Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Ça, c'est ma journée!

In Gr. 3 and 4 this week, we are learning how to tell time in French to the hour so we can use a timeline to describe a schedule of activities.

 We're cutting and pasting pictures of activities onto a timeline.

In our Gr. 4, 5 and 6 hockey unit, we are continuing to work with hockey-related vocabulary. We've started making predictions about who will win "La Coupe Stanley" this year.

Stay tuned for photos from Grades 7 and 8, who will be making something sweet and special to eat this week as part of French club and our Foods unit!

Our "Question of the Week" is "Qu'est-ce que tu vois?".  We will describe briefly what we see in the classroom in our answer.

À bientôt,

Mme Christensen

Monday, 21 April 2014

Joyeuses Pâques!

Joyeuses Pâques! I hope you had a blessed Easter!

This week, the Gr. 3/4 class will be continuing to learn vocabulary and structures that will help them describe their daily routines in our unit called "Ça, c'est ma journée".  The verbs that we have learned so far lend themselves well to a game of charades or "Simon Says".  Here are a couple examples of some of the structures we are learning:

Elle joue de la guitare à 4h00.

Il fait du karaté à 6h00.

The Gr. 4/5 as well as 5/6 class have started a unit called "Mon Héros".  This week we will be looking forward to learning a little bit more about a Montreal Canadien hockey star as well as some hockey vocabulary!

The Gr. 7/8 class began a learning journal to record new vocabulary and structures related to our foods unit.  By the end of this unit, each student will be involved in a presentation of a favorite recipe to the class, en français, bien sûr!

We will be reviewing last week's "Question of the Week" for additional practice.

À la prochaine,

Mme Christensen

Saturday, 12 April 2014

French Camp!

L' Université de Saint-Boniface is once again offering "Tu parles!",  a week-long summer daycamp for 7-12 year old children.  This program  "is designed to help your children acquire French speaking skills that can be used inside and outside the classroom" and "offers a healthy mix of classroom time, field trips, outdoor fun and hands-on activities such as arts, crafts, music and games."

There is also an advanced-level camp for 13- to 15-year-olds during Week 7 if registration is sufficient.

For more program information and the camp registration form, click here. 

Bon appétit!

We kicked off our new unit in 7/8 with a sushi-preparation demonstration.  By the end of our unit, each student will demonstrate the preparation of a favorite dish en français!  We reviewed strategies to help us understand a sushi recipe in French.  We discussed:

  • making predictions
  • skimming or scanning the text quickly to get a general understanding of the material
  • observing illustrations and photos
  • making connections with previous knowledge
  • searching for mots amis (word friends--French words that are similar to English words)
  • searching for familiar words
  • observing titles and sub-titles, 
to name a few!

In Grades 3/4, we celebrated two birthdays in the classroom this week.  Each student prepared lovely cards full of kind sentiments, en français!  Creating birthday cards gives students an authentic opportunity to communicate, to practice the use of adjectives and to explore new vocabulary.

Sports is "on the menu" in 4/5 and in 5/6, shortly.

Our "Question of the Week" will be "Où habites-tu?" (Where do you live?") and its response, "J'habite à Winnipeg."

À bientôt,

Mme Christensen