Friday, 31 October 2014


The Grade 7 and 8 class has been working on a unit called "Incognito" which explores masks, disguises and their purposes.  Our final project will be to create and present in French a mask or makeup design.

This week we have been working hard developing our comprehension skills as we make predictions, listen to an interview and verify our predictions about this actor and why he is disguised in this manner:

In other classes we are working on pieces of writing based on work in September and October.  This will result in a book, one for each grade level.  We hope to have this all ready for student-led conferences in November.  Here we are, doing our very best!

Above, an example of Grade Three work.  Pieces of writing are scaffolded for more detail in each grade.

Un bel effort, tout le monde! Stay tuned for these works in progress.

Happy Pumpkin Day!  À bientôt,

Mme Christensen

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Mon sac à dos

This week we have been learning the names of our school supplies and classroom objects. This is a review for some of us and new material for others.  We've been also learning how to say that something belongs to us, using possessive adjectives.

We had a lot of fun taking turns putting an object into "le sac à dos" when we heard its name in this song:

In our Grade 7/8 class, a student leads the class in a calendar activity.

Our Grade Six class is practicing descriptive sentences using the verb être in this "Treasure Island" game.  We use names of students in our class on the left side of the page (not shown) and adjectives at the top of the page to make sentences and locate places on the grid.  There is a treasure hidden somewhere!

À bientôt!

Mme Christensen

Monday, 20 October 2014

Merci Jésus pour...

Our giving of thanks continues!  Here is our French bulletin board for Thanksgiving.  Students in some classes have been using the sentence-starter, "Merci Jésus pour..." in their daily calendars as well.  We have been very thankful for the lovely autumn weather!

More students have been reciting the Lord's Prayer and saying the weather announcements on our intercom system for French Friday.

Grades 6-8 have completed their daily schedules en français and are learning how to say the time.

Grades 7-8 have started their new unit about masks, "Incognito" and Gr. 3-5 are well into their unit, "Ma classe et moi."  Grade 6 will be starting their new unit on "Les animaux: mythes et réalités".

À bientôt!

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Bonne fête de l'Action de Grâces! Happy Thanksgiving!

Merci Jésus pour...
...les barres à grimper!

 ...les balançoires!

 ...un ballon de football!

 ...des amis formidables! pour notre école fantastique!

We have so much to thank the Lord Jesus for on this Thanksgiving. You can see more pictures posted on our French bulletin board beside the gym doors.

Perhaps you came across some words you did not know beneath the pictures above. As we begin our new units in French class, we have been learning some comprehension strategies to help us with the new vocabulary and structures we encounter:
  • "regarder les images". Look at pictures to give us clues for meaning.
  • "chercher les mots amis." Search for "word-friends" which are words that are similar in French and in English.  An example would be the word "âge", which means "age" in English.
  • "chercher les mots familiers".  Look for familiar words, which will help us with the overall meaning of a sentence or phrase.
We will be adding more strategies as the year progresses!

Please remember that French Scholastic book orders are due Friday, October 17.

Bonne fête de l'Action de Grâces!

Mme Christensen

Grade Four and Grade Five Presentations!

I apologize for not getting these posted sooner.  As you can see, the presentations shown include more detail as we progress through the grade levels.  Here is a presentation by Grade Four students:

Here is another presentation, this time by Grade 5 students:

From time to time throughout the year, we will continue to practice these conversations about ourselves.

À bientôt,

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 5 October 2014

J'aime les fruits!

Our Grades 3-5 students have been learning and practicing the expression "J'aime..." ("I like...").  As well, every day on our calendar in October we feature a fruit or vegetable. To practice this expression and vocabulary, here's a new song that we will be listening to this week by Alain Le Lait.  I've added it under French videos entitled, "J'aime les fruits". 

Please check out the French bulletin board this week as we will be featuring some of the many great blessings we can be thankful for as we prepare for  "L'action de Grâces" (Thanksgiving)! 

This week in all classes we have been presenting our French dialogues using expressions that we have learned in September or as a review from last year. Here is a delightful presentation from a Grade Three student:

I hope to post a few dialogues from other grades later this week. Once we complete our dialogues, we will be ready to start our new units!

French Scholastic Book orders for October are now available.  Please see me if you would like an order form.  If you would like to order, please hand in your order forms on or before Friday, Oct. 17, s'il vous plaît.

À bientôt!

Mme Christensen