Saturday, 19 December 2015

Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année!

I wish all of my students and their families "Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année"!  Please enjoy some links to traditional French Christmas carols:

Have a warm, memorable Christmas filled with the love of family and friends. May the Lord bless you with His presence this Christmas and always!  

Mme Christensen

Friday, 11 December 2015

After School in French Zumba recital

Our After School in French zumba class had a short recital this past Monday!  Special appreciation goes to our teacher, Sareli, who taught the girls a number of dances and many cool moves!

This past week we worked on cards for those who have December birthdays.  Grades 4-6 students are continuing as well in their animal unit. Grades 7-8 students are busy reviewing and writing steps to a crêpe recipe as we want to use it as a model to write our own recipes.

Bonne semaine!
Mme Christensen

Sunday, 6 December 2015

Photos from our French café!

This week our Grade 7/8 students hosted our French café! We had 22 guests from our church, Beautiful Savior Lutheran, as well as parents in attendance. Our guests and students did a terrific job interacting with each other in French.

Ten students were our servers, serving crêpes garnished to our guests' liking.  There was also cheese, fruit and caramel au beurre salé as well as coffee, tea and juice.

Our servers brought their orders to our "kitchen" where our two drink chefs and four crêpe chefs worked to fill orders.

Chefs de boissons

Deux chefs de crêpes

We were entertained by Mr. Dan Raposo of Quest Music.  His musical talents truly added a a rich French ambience to our event!

And, of course, once we were done we all enjoyed some leftovers!  Great job, everyone!

Mrs. McCrea
Ms. Madden, Mrs. English
and all staff at Beautiful Savior Lutheran School
for your help with our café français.

for the use of kitchen supplies and condiments.

After School in French program
for supplying our chef hats.

Special thanks to Mr. Wozney
for the use of this gym!
to our guests for their overwhelming show of support for our students’ learning of French!
Thank you so much for coming to our French café and for your efforts in engaging our students in French!

Funds for the café français were provided through a grant from
 the French Second Language Revitalization Program (FSLRP),
established by Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning under the Canada–Manitoba Agreement on Minority Language Education and Second Official Language Instruction. 

Bonne semaine,

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 29 November 2015

French café

It was wonderful to meet with parents during student-led conferences last week.  Thank you for all the support you give your children in their learning of French!

The Grade 7 and 8 students are preparing to host a small French café.  Students, please remember to keep practicing your parts this week!

Students in Grades 4-6 are continuing to practice their oral responses to questions about various animals.  What animals do students think are docile and loveable? Which do they think are offensive or aggressive? The various points of view have been interesting! 

Bonne semaine,

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 22 November 2015

French education websites

I've come across some interesting websites that will help us learn more French.  The Yabla site has some sample videos featuring authentic French conversations that are captioned in French as well as translated in English.  You can click a button to look up words in a dictionary, to slow the conversation down or to have phrases repeated. Here is the link:


If you have a Java-enabled browser, you can try some word-search games here:

Word Seek Game

This site has some basic vocabulary games, such a form of "memory", "hangman" and "whack-a-word" for vocabulary identification:

Très bien French games

This site has lessons, games and tests:

Have fun checking these sites!

This week we will be preparing for student-led conferences. Grades 4-6 are continuing their work in their animals unit. Grades 7 and 8 are preparing for our upcoming French café experience!  There are a few seats available at our café; parents who would like to join us are invited to contact me at the school as soon as possible.

Bonne semaine,

Mme Christensen

Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Le Jour du Souvenir

Some of our students are before the war memorial in Coronation Park.

We are so thankful to those who gave their lives so that we can enjoy so great a freedom in our land.

Bonne semaine, 
Mme Christensen

Sunday, 8 November 2015


The Grade 7/8 class started their week surveying each other using the question, "Quel est ton plat préféré?"  Students answered with "Mon plat préféré, c'est..."  Students recorded their survey results in their cahiers.

Students in Grades 4-6 wrapped up their units with oral and reading evaluations.  The Grade 5 and 6 students below had time to play a short game called "Mon roi/ma reine", taking turns giving pretend gifts and seeing if this pleases the king/queen. If the gift is pleasing, the king/queen allows you to stay nearby.  If the gift is not pleasing, you will be asked to move further away.

"Bonjour, ma reine! Je te donne..."  ("Hello, my queen! I give you...")

Bonne semaine!

Mme Christensen

Friday, 30 October 2015 from the Grade 4/5 class!

Grade 4/5 students are working on presenting a friend to the class.  To accomplish this, they are speaking and writing in the third person using the verbs être and avoir as well as the -er verbs présenter and aimer.  Students also need to use the appropriate masculine or feminine form of at least one adjective to describe their friend. All work will be posted on our French bulletin board.  However, here are a few samples of their work:

Tremendous work, Grade 4/5! Oral evaluations will continue this coming week for all students in Grades 4-6. Grade 7/8 students are continuing in their unit, Café français.

Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Grade 5 and 6 presentations plus some crêpes!

Grade 5 and 6 students worked hard putting the finishing touches on their compositions which described the various preferences of their classmates.  It was a good exercise in writing in the third person, using the possessive pronouns 'son' and 'sa' as well as some masculine and feminine adjectives.  

Some samples of written work:

We started some presentations and will continue this week as well.

I hope to post some pictures of written work next week from our 4/5 class.

The Grade 7/8 class started a unit called "Café français". We talked about as well as read a crêpe recipe.  We also made and sampled some crêpes in class!

À lundi!

Mme Christensen