Saturday, 26 March 2016

A sampling of projects from Term Two

March 15 and 16 we celebrated our students' work during our student-led conferences.  Here are a sampling of projects from grades 4-6.  Though based on the same unit "Les animaux-mythes et réalité", the expectations were scaffolded--expectations increased depending on grade level. 

In their projects, students were to create a mini publicity poster, advocating on behalf of an animal that at times is misunderstood or misrepresented.  Students were to find information from the various texts we explored in class.  This was a good exercise in expressing and supporting one's opinion en français!

Here are some samples of recipes written by the Grade 7 and 8 students for their "Café français" unit. For their project, students were to write recipes based on sample recipes studied in class.  We learned how to speak as well as to write about quantities. We also explored how to use the imperative and learned an abundance of new nouns and verbs!

Our last week of school before Spring Break was spent enjoying a variety of "Country Week" activities and as a school we studied the country of Portugal. We will resume French classes after Spring Break.

I wish all students and families a Blessed Easter as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Mme Christensen

Saturday, 12 March 2016

A debate about fashion

The Grade 7/8 class has begun a unit about fashion and the question arose--is fashion necessary?  The students and I brainstormed and came up with some arguments for or against fashion:

Let the debate, en français,  begin!

On another note, verb conjugation is not taught formally at this level; it is mentioned briefly when it is necessary to communicate our ideas clearly, especially in written work. However, for those who would like extra practice in verb conjugations , there is an excellent site with exercises which I have added on the right side of this page under "French Games"--Verb conjugation game.  For most verbs, the pronunciation can be heard if you hover over a word.  There are excellent examples to show how the conjugated verb would be applied in a sentence.

I've also added a four more sites under "French Games" that you can explore; there are games, stories and activities to enrich your learning of French:

  • Games--Clothing vocabulary
  • Learn French verbs
  • Très bien French games
  • 700+ Free French games and activities
We look forward to students sharing their work with their parents this coming week in our student-led conferences.

Enjoy this mild weather! Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen

Monday, 7 March 2016

French Club

French club has begun; sessions will be held during March and April. French club is open to students in the Grade 4/5 classroom.  This past Wednesday at lunch recess students had a choice of activities:

...the computer game "Sam Amuse" (see link on right side of this page)

as well as "Spot it" in French.   
Students learned the necessary vocabulary for playing this game en français!

 Another student is using the questions and answers we learn in class to create a board game.

We also celebrated the loss of a tooth--le dent qui branle--at the end of our session!  
See you back this Wednesday!

Bonne semaine,
Mme Christensen