In their projects, students were to create a mini publicity poster, advocating on behalf of an animal that at times is misunderstood or misrepresented. Students were to find information from the various texts we explored in class. This was a good exercise in expressing and supporting one's opinion en français!
Here are some samples of recipes written by the Grade 7 and 8 students for their "Café français" unit. For their project, students were to write recipes based on sample recipes studied in class. We learned how to speak as well as to write about quantities. We also explored how to use the imperative and learned an abundance of new nouns and verbs!
Our last week of school before Spring Break was spent enjoying a variety of "Country Week" activities and as a school we studied the country of Portugal. We will resume French classes after Spring Break.
I wish all students and families a Blessed Easter as we celebrate the death and resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Mme Christensen