Thursday, 22 December 2016

Joyeux Noël et Bonne et Heureuse Année!

Our month has gone by so fast!  This past week we practiced singing a very well-known French Christmas carol called "Il est né, le divin enfant" (He is born, the divine child).  This carol reinforced the Christmas vocabulary that we have been learning this week.. Here is a link to "Il est né" plus other Christmas carols and popular Christmas songs:

In Grades 5/6 and 7/8 we watched an episode or two of the "Simon's cat: Christmas collection" and replayed the episodes slowly, describing the action in French in the present tense. In Grade 7/8 we drew up a list of verbs that we used in sentences to describe what was happening. Within 50 seconds of the first episode, we had used at least 30 different verbs! We will work more with verbs in the present tense as well as in the futur proche when we come back to classes in January.

We had a lot of laughter in the classroom as we watched these episodes of Simon's Cat. Please enjoy:

And finally, LA GRANDE QUESTION! Où est le drapeau français?

Voici l'indice:

Have a blessed Christmas as you celebrate the birth of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Our world needs Him now more than ever. See you, en janvier!

Joyeux Noël!  
Bonne et Heureuse Année! 
Bonnes vacances!

Mme Christensen

Saturday, 17 December 2016

Apprendre en faisant: Hands-on learning in French!

Our Grade 8 students had the unique privilege of attending the "Apprendre en faisant" workshops along with approximately 170 other Grade 8 students from Winnipeg and around our province this past week. Students learned new skills and made new friends as they participated en français. Do enjoy these photos:

Les gaufres: Belgian waffle-making

Belgian waffle-taking

Belgian waffle-devouring : )  Mange, mange, mange!

Zumba! We needed a bit of exercise after all those waffles : )

La magie: simple, yet astounding, magic tricks!

 Les tambours

 La drame pour nos acteurs

De la pizza et de la salade pour le dîner! MMM!
Mange, mange, mange!

La pièce de résistance: le chocolat

Instruction in the art of chocolate-making

Quel plaisir! All of our students were able to participate in this chocolate-making workshop.

Students also enjoyed a bit of yoga and crafting. A huge MERCI BEAUCOUP to the parents who helped to transport students to and from this event! A huge MERCI BEAUCOUP also to the dedicated artists and teachers who worked tirelessly to organize and run the "Apprendre en faisant" workshops so that our students could have a day immersed in French.

Next week we will be using Christmas vocabulary en français in our classroom activities. Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen

PS. Où est le drapeau français??

I apologize that I do not have a photo to give you a hint; my attempts to send a photo via an IPad were unsuccessful.  Here is a written hint:

Le drapeau est près du placard blanc.


À lundi, mes amis!   : )

Sunday, 11 December 2016


Our projects on heros from the Grade 5/6 class are displayed on our French bulletin board this month. The name of our greatest hero of all, our Savior Jesus, is featured front and centre. Today the third candle (pink) of our advent will be lit.

This week in Gr. 7/8 we continued to work on vocabulary related to our upcoming workshops and I hope to have some photos of this for the next blog. In Gr. 4/5 and 5/6 we learned vocabulary related to the family and physical characteristics such as hair colour, eye colour, etc.  Here's a fun song by Alain Le lait:

We also discussed vocabulary related to our big snow storm last Tuesday! What a difference a few days can make!  We can be grateful for the lovely November we had...remember?

Finally, où est le drapeau français?

Voici l'indice!

We'll see who finds the French flag in class tomorrow!  À lundi,

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 4 December 2016

The Search is On!

In Gr. 7/8 we've been learning some vocabulary for a hands-on French workshop in the near future. We were introduced to over a dozen vocabulary items such as:

C'est un verre.

C'est des moules.

C'est un pinceau.

C'est une serviette.

Next, after being introduced to the vocabulary, the items above (plus other items) were hid around the class for us to find!

"Où est la serviette?  Est-ce que tu as trouvé le pinceau?"

The classroom was abuzz!

Qui as trouvé la serviette?

We will continue practicing vocabulary this week in 7/8 plus start our next unit, "Dragon's Den"!

The Gr. 4/5 and 5/6 classes have started their new unit, "Ma famille et moi" which will lead us into discussions about some of our favorite family activities.  We saw a slideshow about the hiking adventures my family has recently enjoyed in Canmore.

We also brainstormed some activities that the families of Grades 4-6 students enjoy doing together.

 We look forward to seeing some pictures and hearing some stories about what our classmates like to do with their families!

Now for the big question: Où est le drapeau français???

À lundi, tout le monde!

Mme Christensen