Thursday, 26 January 2017

Conversations and clothespins

What would these have to do with French class?

Well, in our Grade 5/6 class each student gets une pince, one clothespin, per full sentence spoken in French. By the end of class, each student has a small pile of pinces on his/her desk.  We count all the pinces up at the end of class, resulting in points for the whole group.

Great job so far, 5/6! We will watch a French cartoon and have popcorn once we earn 500 points/pinces.

Here are some samples of work from 4/5 and 5/6 in our unit, Ma Famille et Moi, which has us discussing our family pastimes.

In the 4/5 and 5/6 class we have been enjoying reading a story about a girl's trip to Vietnam to see family. We will continue working on describing our family activities and family members as we work towards our unit project.

In Grade 7/8 we had a quiz on the verb aller and had reading evaluations based on reading passages about inventions in classrooms. We brainstormed some of common frustrations we experience in everyday life and explored how these experiences could inspire an invention.

Now for la grande question: Où est le drapeau français?

Voici l'indice:

Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen

Saturday, 21 January 2017

Des inventions partout! Inventions everywhere!

In our Grade 7/8 class we are starting our unit on inventions. At the end of our unit, we will be presenting our inventions to the class, Dragon's Den style.

We brainstormed a list of inventions present in our classroom:

One student wisely noted that we are God's creation:

We also read examples of student-created inventions and observed the use of the future tense with aller in the explanations regarding what each invention was going to be used for and what problem it was going to solve.  Aller means to go.  Here is the verb aller which we are studying for a quiz on Tuesday:

Here are more samples of sentences using the verb aller, found in the resolutions we wrote for our bulletin board that we showed you last week:

Good job, grades 7 and 8!

In Grades 4/5 and 5/6, we've been finishing the illustrations of our family leisure activities and using this vocabulary to play charades or the "voice change game".  In Grade 4/5 we watched a video about family leisure time.

Maintenant, la grande question: Où est le drapeau français?

 Voici l'indice: 

Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen

Monday, 16 January 2017

Résolutions pour 2017

Prior to Christmas break, the Gr. 7/8 class communicated in French using the passé composé to describe events in the past.

This term, we are working on communicating our thoughts about the future, using the verb "aller". We brainstormed a number of resolutions to talk about what we plan on doing in the future. Here are just a few:

We wrote about and illustrated our resolutions which are now on the French bulletin board (above)!

Here are a few samples of our work:

The Grade 4,5 and 6 classes have been continuing their discussions regarding what their families like to do for leisure: 

Finally, la grande question: Où est le drapeau français?

Bonne semaine!
Mme Christensen