Even our resident egg-free expert thought that there must be eggs in the batter, given the lovely consistency! I think the secret is lots of butter.
The Grade 8's are old hands at preparing crêpes, so they were able to make them with ease and with a good degree of independence:
Garnishes: chocolate sauce, strawberries, powdered sugar and whipped cream
You have to wait until the crepes are cooked through before flipping!
I think the crêpe above was dubbed "the scrambled crêpe".
Grade 7 and 8 students have been working hard in groups on their scripts, "Téléjournal".
Grade 4, 5 and 6 students have begun drawing their amazing sandwiches and will start to write about them next week:
One huge sandwich in the making!
Our April calendar, with weekend weather predicted.
Finally, les grandes questions: Où est drapeau français? Où est le drapeau canadien?