Monday, 29 May 2017

2 R's

In the Grade 4/5 and 5/6 classes, we have been busy starting reading evaluations for reports.  Here we are, practicing reading aloud our reading selections:

We will continue reading evaluations this week.

Grade 7/8 students have finished recording their news telecasts and interviews; we hope to view them this week. These recordings will be used as part of the reading evaluations; writing of the scripts will form part of the writing evaluations for this term.

Bonne semaine!

Mme Christensen

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Téléjournal: We're "making" the news

Touchcast is a tremendous app for an iPad; we're using it in our "Téléjournal" unit in Gr. 7/8 to create realistic newscasts en français in the comfort of our own classroom using a green screen. We are reporting on weather, school events, interviews and sports.  In Touchcast there are formats for various newscasts, sportscasts, business reports, talk shows and more.

Using the green screen, we can make it appear as if we are conducting this interview at the RWB.  (Yes, our microphone is a rubber pig!)

We will continue recording of the rest of our broadcasts next week.

We were delighted to have the Mona Lisa grace our French class this Friday : )

The Gr. 4,5 and 6 students are working hard finishing up their projects on sandwiches. We finished some oral evaluations this week during which we described our favorite sandwiches.

Finally, la grande question: Où sont les drapeaux français et canadien?

Voici l'indice:

Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Christensen

Monday, 15 May 2017

Bonne fête Maman!

How is Mother's Day celebrated in France? For starters, it is celebrated on the last Sunday in May. If Pentecost falls on that Sunday, then it is celebrated the first Sunday in June.  Hear all about it on this blog, "Comme une française", which is a great source for cultural information:

So as to not spoil the surprise, I've waited until now to share a few pictures of the beautiful paper roses made by students in French class for their moms.  Simple instructions were given in French to help students create these roses which will last much longer than fresh ones!

As we were so focused on making roses, we did not look for le drapeau français et canadien this week. They are hiding in the same spot as last week, so please check out last week's blog!  

Next week, all students are continuing their work on their sandwich projects (Grades 4/5 and 5/6) and their newscast projects (Grades 7/8).

Joyeuse fête des Mères!

Bonne semaine,

Mme Christensen

Monday, 8 May 2017

More crêpes and projects

The Gr. 7 and 8 students had their last session of French club!

Grade 7/8s have also been working on their pronunciation for their newcast projects:

Great job, 7/8's! The Grade 4/5 and 5/6 classes are working on their good copies of their sandwich projects; there will be an update of this work in the next blog entry.

Finally, où sont les drapeaux canadiens et français? Voici l'indice:

Bonne semaine!

Mme Christensen