Friday, 30 June 2017

Bonnes vacances!

This past week went by very quickly. We were very busy cleaning, organizing and of course, celebrating our successes! I greatly look forward to seeing our students back again in September!

  Bonne 150ème fête, Canada!  Have fun celebrating our beautiful country's 150th birthday tomorrow! May God keep our land glorious and free.

C'est le lac Bleu en Ontario.

Wherever you may go, may you enjoy a restful and safe summer vacation!

Bonnes vacances!  See you in September,

Mme Christensen

Monday, 26 June 2017

Sandwiches are beautiful, sandwiches are fine...

In our 4/5 and 5/6 classes last week we celebrated the end of our sandwich unit with a party with, of course, sandwiches!  Students brought a wide array of sandwich fillings and put together some very interesting combinations of ingredients.  

Apparently, chips as well as two-bite brownies make very good sandwich fillings, according to our resident sandwich experts!

What a great way to end our week! The Grade 5/6 class and 7/8 class also ordered in some wonderful baked goods from Le Croissant on Thursday and Friday.  What a feast we all had!

Bonne semaine!

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 18 June 2017

Joyeuses fête des Pères!

Here is a peek at some of the Father's Day gifts we made this week in the Grade 4/5 and 5/6 classes. Our Grade 7/8 class was away enjoying camp this week!

Students reminded me that the very best Father we have is our Heavenly Father.

Some students decided to make scrolls instead of (or along with) their trophies.

This week we will be working on birthday cards for our summer birthdays.  We will also have some class parties!

Bonne semaine,

Mme Christensen

Monday, 12 June 2017

Une pique-nique pour la fête du Canada!

Our sandwich projects from grades 4/5 and 5/6 are displayed on the French bulletin board as part of our Spring Concert festivities honouring Canada's 150th birthday!

The theme is Une pique-nique pour la 150ème fête du Canada (a picnic for Canada's 150th birthday), which went along nicely with the Fred Penner song "Sandwiches" which was sung at our picnic by one of the early years classes.

\Please take a closer look at the sandwiches. No drooling allowed!

The paragraphs describing these sandwiches are under the front cover of each booklet.  

This week we will continue finishing up birthday cards for all students who have birthdays in June, July and August. We have lots of birthday cards to do as well as many birthday songs to sing! We will also be preparing something special for "La fète des Pères" on Sunday.

A reminder to all classes: Please return the forms handed out last week regarding the year-end parties.

Bonne semaine!
Mme Christensen

Friday, 2 June 2017

O Canada!

French Class celebrates Canada’s 150th birthday!
 To honour Canada’s 150th birthday, we will be doing a number of activities in june.  All students will be invited to bring a photo (or a digital photo e-mailed to me or on a USB) of a place in Canada that they have visited with their families. We will be practicing interrogative expressions to discuss where students went, when did they travel, with whom did they travel, who did they visit, what did they see, how did they travel and why did they go to that location. It will be interesting to see all the wonderful places in Canada that we have discovered! Bonne fête, Canada! 

We have also been learning the names of the provinces and territories in French.

A map in progress!

We will be hiding the Canadian flag each day somewhere in the classroom; students will use full sentences and structures learned in class, including  the prepositions taught this year, to help determine where it is.

So the grande question now is: Où est le drapeau canadien?  

Voici l'indice:

As well, the Gr. 7/8 class has started a mini-unit called les jeux de juin. This week we learned basic vocabulary and structures for playing card games in French. It was fun practicing this vocabulary!

Bonne fin de semaine,

Mme Christensen