Saturday, 26 May 2018

Mange, mange, mange...

All three French classes, Grades 3/4, 5/6 and 7/8 had activities this week that involved food! Our Grade 3/4 students celebrated the end of their pizza unit with a "build-your-own" pizza party. Students brought a huge variety of ingredients; thank you parents! Students built their pizzas on flatbreads which were then microwaved and enjoyed with gusto.

Some students were very creative in their presentation!

The Grade 5/6 students continued their hands-on presentations of their sushi recipes. Some wonderful sushi rolls were created in class this week with the following fillings: apple and carrot; cucumber and carrot; smoked salmon, cucumber and chicken; steak, shrimp, carrot and cucumber.  The creations were so tantalizing and convincing that we now have some new fans of sushi in our class! 

Unfortunately the photos that were taken are somewhere lost in cyberspace; I will do my best to retrieve and post them at a later date. Sushi recipe presentations will continue next week for the rest of the class who have not yet presented.

The Grade 7/8 class had a make-up French club session this week as our session a week and a half ago did not go so well...we had a recipe flop : (  I realize that in my haste I substituted a cup of flour with a cup of icing sugar which resulted in a gooey mess on the griddle.)  Our session this week went much better!

Grade 7/8 students will be continuing their work on their outdoor adventure projects this week. Oral evaluations on our conversational questions (bavardage amical) will also begin.

Bravo, mes élèves! Enjoy this warm weekend,

Mme Christensen

Friday, 18 May 2018

J'aime la pizza!

Our Grade 3 and 4 students had fun on Thursday using their pizza vocabulary to play a board game in French: 

All groups did a great job using the expressions presented in class to play the game en français! We are near the end of this unit and will celebrate with a "build-your-own-pizza" party next week.

Bravo, classe de 3/4!

Grade 5 and 6 students have almost finished writing their original sushi recipes and will start presenting them next week.

Our Grade 7 and 8 students have been working on the rough copies of their Aventures en plein air (outdoor adventures) projects and will continue into next week. We had French club on Thursday; however we had some technical difficulties so we will try again with the same recipe next week! Stay tuned yet another week for French club pictures.

Bonne fin de semaine,

Mme Christensen

Saturday, 12 May 2018

J'aime la poutine!

The Grade 7/8 French club enjoyed poutine this week!

Three classmates prepared and served plates of poutine while their classmates waited patiently in line...

Miam, miam!

Poutine is a wildly popular, traditional French Canadian dish consisting of French fries and cheese curds topped with a savoury gravy.

Yes, and if Mrs. McCrea is reading this, I am pleased to say that we did not set off the smoke alarm once during the production of poutine this year! Next week we will have our last session of French club; wait 'til you see what we're making next! Stay tuned.

This week, the Grade 3/4 and 5/6 students prepared something lovely for Mother's Day. Bravo, les élèves!

Joyeuse fête des Mères,

Mme Christensen

Friday, 4 May 2018

Christmas in May???

Well, perhaps just a taste of Christmas! Today in French club two groups of students from the 7/8 class assembled a bûche de Noël, which is a dessert that looks like a yule log. We started by reviewing the recipe en français. The chocolate roll (which I assembled beforehand due to the limited time we have) is delightful and very easy to prepare; the recipe will be at the end of this blog.

We divided the class into two groups; each had the challenge of transforming a roll into a delicious and artistic creation! 

The parchment paper is gently removed from the chocolate roll...

...and whipped cream is carefully placed inside.

Students are doing an excellent  job making sure everyone has a turn.

What intensity! Great work, chefs!


The cake is delicately rolled back into shape and is ready for the next step.

Chocolate frosting is placed on the outside to create the effect of bark on a log.

A work in progress...

Voilà! Bravo!

Another design is underway in the next group...

A beautiful floral design!

Enjoying the "fruit" of our labour!

Next week, all classes will continue reading evaluations. Students in are encouraged to user the "quizlets" (for their level) on the right hand side of this blog. This will give students extra practice in reading and pronunciation.

Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen

Bûche de Noël
4 oeufs
du sucre --1 tasse
de l’eau—1/3 tasse
de la vanille--1 cuillière à thé
de la farine, ¾ tasse
du cacao, ¼ tasse
de la poudre à pâte--1 cuillière à thé
du sel--¼  cuillière à thé
de la crème fouettée—500 mL
Garniture: de la crème fouetté, du glaçage au chocolat, du sucre en poudre, des courbes au chocolat, des fraises ou des framboises, des cannes de Noël, des bonbons

1. Faire chauffer le four à 375 degrés.
2. Mettre du papier parchemin sur une plaque rectangulaire (15.5” X 10.5” X 1”)
3.  Battre bien les oeufs (environ cinq minutes).
4.  Après cinq minutes, ajouter (peu à peu) du sucre. 
5.  Continuer à battre le mélange, en ajoutant de l’eau et de la vanilla.
6. Ajouter peu à peu de la farine, du cacao, de la poudre à pâte et du sel.
7.  Étaler la pâte régulièrement sur le papier parchemin.
8.  Mettre au four pendant 12 ou 15 minutes.
9. Sortir le gâteau ; renverser-le sur un torchon saupoudré du sucre en poudre.
10.  Enlever le papier parchemin.
11. Rouler soigneusement le gâteau et le torchon dans le sens de la longueur.
12.  Laisser refroidir le gâteau.
11. Enlever doucement le torchon. Remplir le rouleau avec de la crème fouettée.
12. Décorer à votre goût. Réfrigérer immediatement.