Our Grade 5/6 and 7/8 classes are making avatars online using this online link, en français!
Here's a peek at some of the 7/8 creations...
Now, the students' task will be to describe their avatars. Students will be using the verb "être", which means "to be" as well as other verbs and adjectives we have been learning (please see the previous post). Here is an example of one finished piece of work:
Voici mon avatar!
Elle s'appelle Stephanie.
Elle a 15 ans.
Elle a les cheveux longs, et les yeux bruns.
Mon avatar est en 8iem année.
Stephanie a deux chiens et deux chats.
Sa couleur favorite, c'est bleu.
Please enjoy this little song that will help us remember the verb être:
Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Christensen