Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Chatterpix, en français

This week our gr. 3/4 class will be writing short scripts and creating their own chatterpix en français! We will be using structures that we have learned this term for this project. Here is a sample that demonstrates our learning for Gr. 3:

Here is a sample that demonstrates our learning for Gr. 4:

We look forward to having fun speaking, reading and writing in French to create our chatterpix!

Bonne semaine, 
Mme Christensen

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Les avatars

Our Grade 5/6 and 7/8 classes are making avatars online using this online link, en français!

Here's a peek at some of the 7/8 creations...

Now, the students' task will be to describe their avatars.  Students will be using the verb "être", which means "to be"  as well as other verbs and adjectives we have been learning (please see the previous post).  Here is an example of one finished piece of work:

Voici mon avatar!
Elle s'appelle Stephanie.
Elle a 15 ans.
Elle a les cheveux longs, et les yeux bruns.
Mon avatar est en 8iem année.
Stephanie a deux chiens et deux chats.
Sa couleur favorite,  c'est bleu.

Please enjoy this little song that will help us remember the verb être:

Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Christensen

Friday, 12 October 2018

Les adjectifs

In all classes we have been learning or reviewing how to describe ourselves and others using adjectives. In the Grade 3/4 class we have had fun acting them out!  Many of our words in French are "mots amis" or word friends, which means that they look, sound and mean the same or almost the same in English. Finding word friends or mots-amis is a comprehension strategy that we are encouraged to use when we hear French or read our texts in French.

Il est comique!

Il est content!

Il est généreux! 

Il est intelligent!

Elle est petite!

Il est serviable!

Elle est sportive!

Il est super!

The Grade 7/8 students have started their work describing the avatars they have created. The Grade 5/6 students will do a similar project, adapted to their level. I hope to post these soon!

Bonne fin de semaine,
Mme Christensen

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Merci Jésus pour...

This week for L'Action de Grâces (Thanksgiving) students spoke, drew and wrote about what they were thanking our Savior for! This was a good opportunity to expand our vocabulary as well. Bravo, tout le monde! Great job!

Our acorns are on the bulletin board by the office in time for Thanksgiving. Have a blessed Thanksgiving weekend!

Mme Christensen