Sunday, 25 May 2014

Ça, c'est ma journée, Part 2

Here are some samples of lovely sentences written and illustrated by our Grade 3 and 4 students from Ms. Whitney's class.  Stay tuned for a picture of all the creations when they are compiled on our French bulletin board!

We will continue to practice our "Question/Request of the Week", "Parle-moi de tes amis", using pronouns this time in our responses.

À bientôt!

Mme Christensen

Monday, 19 May 2014

Le chandail de hockey

To coincide with the Stanley Cup matches, our Grade 4/5 class and 5/6 class are working on a hockey unit and reading Mon héros, Henri.  We will be ending our unit with a project about a person we admire.

Here is a delightful, nostalgic presentation of Le Chandail de hockey , written by Roch Carrier and produced by the National Film Board.  Remember the comprehension strategies mentioned a number of  weeks ago?  The general meaning of this piece is one that is portrayed well in the words and images alike.  Its theme is timeless.  Enjoy!

Soon, the 3/4 French class will be working on their project, a presentation of their activities. 7/8's are working towards the presentation of a recipe to the class!

Our "Question of the Week" is a request: "Parle-moi de tes amis."   Along with our daily calendar work, we will be talking about what we wear during spring.  Given the diverse weather we have had this spring, the topic will likely generate a lot of clothing vocabulary!

À bientôt,

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Joyeuse Fête des Mères!

This past week we have been busy creating a modified acrostic poem for our Moms!  We placed the poems on scrolls and wrapped them with some ribbon.

We pray for special blessings for all mothers this Mother's Day!

This coming week we will have a number of birthday cards to make in French.   Our "Question of the Week" will actually be a request, "Parle-moi de ton école".

Have a blessed week.  À bientôt!

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Le sucre à la crème...mmm

As part of our Gr. 7/8 Food Unit and " French Club Cuisine" we used a traditional recipe (see below) to create fudge or le sucre à la crème.  It was truly délicieux!

Stir, stir, stir!

C'est incroyable!

We are using candy thermometers to monitor the temperature of the mixture.

The kitchen is filled with the sweet aroma of fudge! Ça sent bon!

There is a science to the making of fudge!  We discovered that allowing the mixture to heat even a couple degrees above the prescribed temperature created a fudge that was a bit too hard (left).   On the right, above, the mixture did not heat quite enough, making fudge that was a bit too soft.  Maybe the next time, we will make a "Goldilocks version" of fudge that will be just right!  Here is the recipe, below:

le sucre à la crème


de la cassonade--1 tasse
du sucre --1 tasse
du lait --1/3 tasse
de la crème légère --1/3 tasse
du sirop du maïs --2 cuillières à soupe
du sel-- ¼ cuillière à thé
de la vanilla-- 1 cuillière à thé
du beurre--2 cuillières à soupe


1.        Verser du sucre, du lait, de la crème légère, du sirop du maïs et du sel dans une casserole.
2.       Laisser bouillir, en remuant, jusqu’à 234 F.
3.       Laisser refroidir jusqu’à 100 F.  Commencer à remuer.
4.       Ajouter de la vanilla et du beurre.
5.       Verser dans un plat beurré.

6.       Laisser refroidir avant de découper en carrés.

This week we will be reviewing our two previous questions of the week (Où habites-tu?/ Qu'est-ce que tu vois?) as well as "Parle-moi de toi."  We will also be preparing something simple and lovely for Mother's Day!

À bientôt,

Mme Christensen