Thursday, 25 April 2019

French club: La poutine!

Poutine was a much-loved dish this week for the Gr. 7/8 class in French club on Thursday.

Les trois ingrédients nécessaires pour la poutine sont: des frites, du fromage et de la sauce!

Miam, miam; une sauce délicieuse!

Speaking of dishes, the Gr. 7/8 students have been conducting surveys in class, asking their peers what their favorite dishes of food are and when they like to eat them. This forms part of an early oral evaluation.

Gr. 3/4 students have been using Venn diagrams to compare and contrast their preferences in sandwich fillings using the sandwich vocabulary taught in class. Gr. 5/6 students have been spending time talking about their preferences in fruits in the first, second and third person singular. Both Gr. 3/4 and 5/6 classes had vocabulary recognition tests this week. 

Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen


Friday, 19 April 2019

French club: La bûche de Noël!

Yes, we experienced a little taste of Noël in April! The Grade 7/8 French club enjoyed making the traditional "bûche de Noël" this past Thursday at noon. The recipe follows the photos.

 Bûche de Noël

4 oeufs
du sucre --1 tasse
de l’eau—1/3 tasse
de la vanille--1 cuillière à thé
de la farine, ¾ tasse
du cacao, ¼ tasse
de la poudre à pâte--1 cuillière à thé
du sel--¼  cuillière à thé
de la crème fouettée—500 mL
Garniture: de la crème fouetté, du glaçage au chocolat, du sucre en poudre, des courbes au chocolat, des fraises ou des framboises, des cannes de Noël, des bonbons

1. Faire chauffer le four à 375 degrés.
2. Mettre du papier parchemin sur une plaque rectangulaire (15.5” X 10.5” X 1”)
3.  Battre bien les oeufs (environ cinq minutes).
4.  Après cinq minutes, ajouter (peu à peu) du sucre. 
5.  Continuer à battre le mélange, en ajoutant de l’eau et de la vanilla.
6. Ajouter peu à peu de la farine, du cacao, de la poudre à pâte et du sel.
7.  Étaler la pâte régulièrement sur le papier parchemin.
8.  Mettre au four pendant 12 ou 15 minutes.
9. Sortir le gâteau ; renverser-le sur un torchon saupoudré du sucre en poudre.
10.  Enlever le papier parchemin.
11. Rouler soigneusement le gâteau et le torchon dans le sens de la longueur.
12.  Laisser refroidir le gâteau.
11. Enlever doucement le torchon. Remplir le rouleau avec de la crème fouettée.
12. Décorer à votre goût. Réfrigérer immediatement.

Joyeuses Pâques! May we have great joy celebrating our Lord's resurrection!

Mme Christensen

Friday, 12 April 2019

French club: La fondue!

Our Grade 7/8 class had the opportunity to make and try chocolate fondue this week. The recipe we used is below the photos, en français!

Items for dipping in the fondue, above

We heated the chocolate chips and whipping cream in the microwave three times, 30 seconds each time. We stirred the mixture between each heating.

The mixture became smoother and smoother.

Voilà, c'est tout!
We divided the fondue into portions. 

Now it's time to get some ingredients to dip into the fondue!

That's one big chip!

The dessert of champions!

La fondue                                                             

Ingrédients : la fondue    (Les montants ne sont pas exactes!)
1/2 tasse de graines de chocolat (mi-sucré)
1/3 tasse de la crème à fouetter

Autres ingrédients (à tremper) :
Des croustilles
Des bonbons
Des bretzels
Des fruits lavées et coupées : de l’orange, des framboises, des fraises, des bananes, etc.
Du maïs soufflé/éclaté
Des guimauves
C’est à votre imagination!

Instructions :
1. Mettre les graines de chocolat et la crème à fouetter dans in bol.
2. Mettre le bol dans le four au micro-ondes; faire rechauffer environ 30 secondes.
3. Mélanger/remuer bien.
4. Continuer à rechauffer le mélange; faire fondre bien le chocolat.
5. Mélanger/remuer le chocolat et la crème pour faire une sauce lisse.
6. Servir la sauce avec des fruits, bonbons, croustilles, guimauves, biscuits, du gâteau, etc.
Soyez imaginatifs! Essayez des combinaisons bizarres!
Bon appétit!

God shows us how good He is through all the different flavours He has created for us to enjoy and discover.

Bonne fin de semaine,

Mme Christensen

Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Au jeu!

The Gr. 5/6 class has been learning vocabulary related to fruits. We have been practicing this vocabulary in a simple game we played to reinforce vocabulary and its pronunciation: 
Here are the rules to help us play this game using French!

Les règles du jeu: Les fruits

1. Roule le dé.  (Roll the die.)

2. Avance. (Advance.)

3. Fais une phrase complète avec ce fruit (au singulier ou au pluriel). (Make a complete sentence using the name of the fruit, in the singular or plural.) Be creative! Exemple :

·         J’aime/J’adore/Je n’aime pas/Je déteste les raisins. (I like/love/don't like/hate grapes.)
·         Ma sœur/Mon frère/Mon ami _________ aime les pommes. (My sister/brother/friend ___ likes apples.)
·         Les oranges sont sucrés. (Oranges are sweet.)
·         Les citrons sont acides. (Lemons are sour.)
·         Les singes mangent les bananes. (Monkeys eat bananas.)
·         J’ai une mandarine dans mon sac à lunch aujourd’hui. (I have a mandarin orange in my lunch today.)

4. Si tu ne fais pas une phrase complète, recule 2 cases! (If you cannot make a full sentence, go back 2 spaces!)

5. La première personne à l’arrivée gagne.(The first person at the finish wins.)

Expressions utiles :

Passe-moi le dé, s’il te plaît.= Pass me the dice, please.   

C’est mon/ton tour.= It’s my/your turn.     Lance le dé.=Throw the dice.    Merci/De rien.

Oui, c’est ça.= Yes, that’s it.   Bonne phrase!= Good sentence!  Non, ce n’est pas ça.=No,

that’s not it.     Avance.=Advance      Recule 2 cases.= Go back two spaces. 

Je gagne.= I’m winning.  Je gagne à l’envers!=I’m winning backwards (I’m losing!).  

We also play this game without the words (see below) for more practice!

Try have fun playing this at home as a family! Grade 5/6 students, you can help your family. You may print the game; find a die and tokens to mark your place. Have fun learning and practicing French as a family--amusez-vous!

Bonne semaine,

Mme Christensen

Sunday, 7 April 2019

Music and an overview of this term

Music helps us to internalize language! Our grade 7/8 students are continuing to practice verb tenses; they are speaking about past events (such as what they did over spring break) as well as their plans for the immediate future. We had a surprise quiz this week on the verb "aller" which we use to form sentences in the immediate future and we can all use a little bit of help from music like this...

Le verbe aller by Etienne

Go, go, go, allez, allez, allez!

Here is a song that features some vocabulary we will be using plus a verb in the immediate future...

Une salade de fruits: Alexandre

J'aime les fruits by Alain le lait

Au petit déjeuner by Alain le lait

For our Grade 3/4 students, here is a song for our unit on sandwiches:
Les Sandwichs: Charlotte Diamond

All students are beginning units this term that feature food! We will be referring to the new Canada Food Guide, here at:

Gr. 3/4's have started learning vocabulary and structures related to sandwiches. We will draw, write and talk about our favorite sandwiches. We will end our unit with a "build your own sandwich" buffet!
  • Gr. 5/6's have started talking about breakfasts/lunches. We will write and act out a "Skip the Dishes" telephone order and at the end of our unit create and enjoy a "brunch" buffet.
  • Gr. 7/8's will learn vocabulary and structures related to the creation of crêpes. We will learn the instructions for a crêpes recipe in French, make crêpes and write an original crêpe recipe.

As well, this term our 7/8 students look forward to an excursion to the boutique, Le Croissant, during which we will have an opportunity to use our French in order to make a purchase of delightful baked goods!

We look forward to yummy times in French class!

Mme Christensen