Sunday 27 October 2013

Le 31 octobre, c'est le jour de citrouilles!

Manitoba Education's website has numerous links for parents of children who attend Basic French classes.  Here is a link to one of their articles called "The Added Value of Learning Another Language".

If you scroll down the page, you'll also find a video called "I Love French Class" which explains the balanced literacy approach used in Basic French classrooms across our province.  Enjoy both of these!

Our word of the week is "pourquoi" and we will be linking it to last week's word of the week, asking and answering questions about why we like certain things:

-Pourquoi est-ce que tu aimes le 31 octobre?
-J'aime le 31 octobre parce que j'aime les bonbons!"

We look forward to all the festivities that this week will bring!




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