Saturday 12 January 2019

Dans ma salle de classe

New units of work have begun for all classes! The Gr. 3/4 and 5/6 classes have been learning as well as reviewing classroom vocabulary which will help them prepare for their particular projects, scaffolded according to their level.

Music is a wonderful way to internalize vocabulary and language structures! Here are a couple songs we have been enjoying in Gr. 3/4:

Gr. 5/6 students had a vocabulary test Friday on classroom vocabulary. We have been talking about what we have in our desks and whether our desk is neat or messy!

Here is a link to a vocabulary quizlet that we have worked with to reinforce our learning of classroom vocabulary:

Our Gr. 7/8 students have been talking about what they are going to do (hopefully!) in 2019 using a future tense called "le futur proche" which involves using the verb "aller" which means "to go". Here is a fun song in English, Spanish and a bit of French that helps us to remember that "aller" means "to go". If you're a soccer fan, you'll like this one!

Bonne fin de semaine!
Mme Christensen

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