Friday 3 May 2019

French club: Les crêpes!

Here, in our final session for French club, the Gr. 7/8 class prepared crêpes! The recipe follows our photos.

We started by preparing fruit...

...and cracking eggs.

When we were done cracking eggs, one of the students said "Hey, we made a smiley face!" What a happy accident!

Salt was added to the eggs and they were blended.

We measured the flour to add to the eggs. This made a thick batter which we then thinned out with some milk.

The first crêpes are made.

What presentation!

We need to get this just right...


A yummy time was had by all! Praise God who gives us so many good things to enjoy! 

The Gr. 7/8 class will go on to work on writing their own crêpe recipe with original fillings and toppings as their written project for this term.


un oeuf battu
de la farine, environ ½ tasse
du lait, 3.25 % -- environ 1/8  tasse
du sel—1/8 cuillière à thé

de la crème à fouetter
du sucre en poudre/sucre glace
du beurre
des fraises
de la sauce au chocolat

1.  Casser l’oeuf dans un bol et battre-le bien.
2. Ajouter du sel et de la farine; mélanger bien.
3.  Verser du lait dans le bol et battre bien le mélange.
4. Verser de la pâte dans une poêle chaud et beurrée.  Étaler la pâte pour faire une forme ronde.
5. Après environ une minute, retourner la crêpe.
6. Servir avec de la crème à fouetter, du sucre en poudre, de la sauce au chocolat et des fraises.

Bon appétit!

The Gr. 5/6 class did a lovely job illustrating le calendrier de mai! This class is currently working on creating a "Skip the Dishes" telephone dialogue which they will read and present as their project for their foods unit.

The Gr. 3/4 class is working on a written piece which describes an original sandwich creation.  Bravo, mes élèves!

Bonne fin de semaine,
Mme Christensen

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