Saturday 11 April 2015

Outdoor adventures and pets

Some of our students in Grades Six through Eight were measured in centimeters.  We made statements of comparison using "plus...que" with the added bonus of reviewing larger numbers!

This led to more statements of comparison as we began our new unit on outdoor activities called "Aventures en plein air".  Grade Sixes compared various forms of shelter.

C'est une tente.  

C'est un caravan. 

 Some students said: "Un caravan est plus confortable qu'une tente" (A trailer is more comfortable than a tente." Another student disagreed: "Dans mon opinion, rester dans une tente est plus interessante et naturelle qu'un caravan." ( In my opinion, staying in a tent is more interesting and natural than a trailer.")

C'est une cabane.

C'est une auberge.

Grade Seven and Eight have been exploring the topic of excursions which we will also be comparing this coming week.  Here are just a few:

J'aime faire une randonnée à pied.

J'aime faire une randonnée à cheval.

J'aime faire une randonnée en kayak.

We love our pets and most animals! Our Grade Three to Five students have started a unit called "Les Animaux et nous".  We have been learning different names of animals and have been describing them. Here's an example below of the kinds of conversations we are having about a few animals: 

C'est mon chien.  Elle s'appelle Lady.  Elle a environ trois ans.  Elle est grise, brune et blanche. Elle est serviable et adorable. (This is my dog.  She is named Lady.  She is around three years old.  She is grey, brown and white.  She is helpful and adorable.)

C'est une chauve-souris.  Elle est serviable parce qu'elle mange des moustiques. (This is a bat.  He is helpful because he eats mosquitos.)

C'est un chat. Il est gris et blanc. Il est serviable parce qu'il mange les souris. (This is a cat.  He is grey and white.  He is helpful because he eats mice.)

Enjoy our lovely warm weekend and I hope you have some "aventures en plein air"!  Bonne fin de semaine!  

Mme Christensen

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