Sunday 15 May 2016

Write on!

All classes have been busy reading and writing this week.  Here is one short sample from a student writing about her ideal pizza:

Below is the dialogue that we have started practicing.  One of our students happens to be travelling to France soon, and as part of his French homework, he will be taking the opportunity to use some of the phrases from our dialogue to express what he would like and to ask about the price of something. The rest of us can have fun acting out this scene at home:

La pizzeria: saynète
Serveur/serveuse: Bonjour!
Client(e): Bonjour! Je voudrais une pizza, s’il vous plaît!
Serveur/serveuse: Quelle sorte de pizza? Voici le menu.
Client(e): Je voudrais une petite pizza au fromage, avec du bacon et des poivrons verts, s’il vous plaît.
                               (une grande pizza)
                                                       (une pizza moyenne)
Serveur/serveuse: Et comme boisson?
Moi: Je voudrais du lait, grand, s’il vous plaît.  La petite pizza et le lait, c’est combien?
(du thé glace/de l’eau/du jus de pommes/du jus d’orange)
Serveur/serveuse: C’est 10,00$
Moi: Mais, oh no! Où est mon portefeuille?

I hope to post some samples from our Gr.7/8 students who have been working through their second and third drafts of writing in our fashion unit.
Bonne semaine!
Mme Christensen

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