Thursday 13 October 2016

Le "mini-prof"

We have talked about the daily calendar a fair amount in Grades 4-6 since the beginning of September, discussing the date, weather and season.  We also discussed whether or not we agree with the opinions expressed about the temperature!

Here are a couple "mini-profs" who led the discussion on one occasion this week.

As well, in our sports unit, we have been having some reading evaluations.  We have also continued our discussion about some wonderful accomplishments:

"Je gagne une médaille et une trophée de danse."

"Je gagne une médaille et une trophée de hockey."

"Je gagne une trophée de hockey."

"Je gagne des médailles de softball et de tir à l'arc." (archery)
In Gr. 7/8 French we have been learning how to ask as well as write questions about past events to get the details: who, what, where, when, why and how.  On Friday, I hid these strips of paper around the classroom:
The yellow strips had questions that corresponded to the green strips that had the answers to the questions.  We had about ten minutes to find all the strips and put the questions and answers together.  In the hustle and bustle, I forgot to take photos of this activity : )
Hiding things around the classroom brings us to la grande question:

 "Où est le drapeau français?"

Voici une indice (a hint below!)  Those who have been reading the blog will have an advantage Monday afternoon!

À lundi!
Mme Christensen

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