Friday 7 October 2016

Winners...and sneaky hiding places!

In our Gr. 4-6 sports unit, we have been talking about some individuals or teams that have won awards.  In the Grade 5/6 class, we have also been talking about our own accomplishments in sport! We have been practicing the verb "gagner" (to win) in the process.

Je gagne beaucoup de trophées de football!

Je gagne une trophée de ringuette et beaucoup de médailles!

Students in Grades 4-6 (and occasionally in 7/8) have had the daily challenge to find the French flag.  This game has helped us practice locations in the classroom, classroom objects as well as the prepositions sur, sous, dans, devant, derrière and là-bas.

Here are some examples of classroom vocabulary that we have learned:

 teacher's desk


the Bible





A sneaky hiding place! Le drapeau français est sous le placard!

Le drapeau français est sur le bureau de Mme Christensen!

Where will the drapeau be on Tuesday??? We'll find out after we ask la grande question: Où est le drapeau français??? (Or maybe I will post a hint here later...stay tuned !)

This Thanksgiving may we all remember to be thankful to our Lord Jesus Christ for all the blessings He has given us...blessings of food, shelter, health and most of all, the free gift of eternal life and a relationship with Him.

Joyeuse Action de Grâce!

Mme Christensen

ps.  Voici l'indice pour le drapeau français:


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