Saturday 5 November 2016

Nose to the grindstone!

Report cards will be coming out soon, so we need to get our projects done!  All students in Grades 4-8 have been working hard on their projects (Gr. 4-6: celebrities; Gr. 7-8: avatars)

J'ai fini, Madame!!!

However, this past week was not all work.  We started off the week with Hallowe'en festivities, including our annual school parade which occurred during French class. Grade 7/8 spared no effort in the preparations!

Voici un garçon et un astronaute!

Bonjour, Sandtrooper!

At the end of September, we also asked this all-important question: who won--le soleil ou les nuages? En octobre, il y a 13 jours de soleil et 24 jours nuageux! Il y a aussi 9 jours de pluie. Check our end-of-September post to compare.

Enfin, où est le drapeau français?

Regardez bien!

Bonne fin de semaine! Enjoy our lovely weather!

Mme Christensen

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