Friday 10 March 2017


Yes, French club for Grade 7 and 8 started today and will continue for the next seven weeks. Our first culinary venture will be of course, fondue! French club gives us the opportunity to extend our learning of the French language and appreciate culture in a very tangible way.

God could have created food to all have the same colour, texture and flavour and it still would have met our nutritional requirements. Instead, He created amazing flavours, textures and colours of food to show us how good He is.  Fondue is proof of that!

This week, the Gr. 7/8 class has been continuing their "Dragon's Den" presentations. Grade 4/5 and 5/6 have been reading aloud their written work, "Une personne importante dans ma vie" in preparation for student-led conferences next week.

Finally, où est le drapeau français? I hid it somewhere in the class after school Friday! Let's see who finds it Monday...

Voici l'indice:

Bonne fin de semaine!

Mme Christensen

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